Plat Titanium


Kami menjual Plat Titanium / Lembar sesuai ASTM B265 / ASTM SB265 tersedia dalam gred CP dan Alloy. Ketebalan stok kami mulai dari 0,5mm hingga 100 mm. Plat Titanium tersedia dalam ukuran lebar dan panjang berdasarkan kebutuhan pelanggan, kami dapat memotong sesuai kebutuhan anda. Pelanggan hanya dapat membeli ukuran yang mereka butuhkan dan tidak seprei penuh. Kami menyediakan Lembar dan Pelat Titanium dengan harga yang sangat kompetitif dengan kualitas yang baik, dibuat oleh pabrik papan atas.

• Sheets 0.5 ~ 4.0 tk x <1000 Width x <3000 Length
• Plates 4.1 ~ 60.0 tk x <3000 Width x <4000 Length

Titanium and titanium alloys are reduced to plate or sheet by hot rolling. Forged billets are are normally used as the starting material. Rolling is done between about 1500 and 1800 F. Heating is done in air-furnace or argon furnaces. Pack rolling in steel can is often used to obtain thinner sheets. Surfaces are used cleaned of parting compound, oxide and contamination after rolling by combination of grinding, grit blasting, and acid pickling depending on titanium plat/sheet thickness.

Kami adalah distributor plat titanium terkemuka di Indonesia. Kami mensuplai titanium ke Jakarta, Surabaya, Bandung, Medan, Semarang, Bekasi, Tangerang, Depok, Palembang dan seluruh Indonesia.

Titanium Plate

Plat Titanium


PT. Special Metals Indonesia  supplies titanium sheets, and plates as per ASTM B265/ASTM SB265 or in AMS aerospace grades in both CP and alloy grades. Our stock thickness ranges from 0.5mm to 100 mm thick. Titanium Plate is available in cut sizes based on customer’s requirements. Customers can buy only what they need and not full sheets or available standard sizes. We use water-jet cutting machine to cut plates and shearing machine for sheets. We supply Titanium Sheets and Plates at very competitive prices with good quality, made by top-tier Japan, US and European mills.

We process your titanium plates and sheets onsite at our Singapore premises. We are a single supply source for your titanium sheet and plate needs. There is no need to consider having your products processed by a third party; we do it all for you. With modern water-jet cutting machine and guillotining shearing machine and the highest quality titanium products, we offer titanium metal and alloy sheets, plates which are second to none.

Guillotine shear titanium sheet to your exact size requirements from a minimum thickness of 0.5mm to a maximum of 3mm. We handle a maximum width and length of 2400mm.

PT.Special Metals Indonesia also use water-jet cutting machine to cut titanium sheet plates to the required sizes and as per your drawing. Although Titanium metal is lighter than steel, it is harder. While you use a mill for machining titanium, you may face a slow cutting problem. Thus, to save time and enjoy the higher productivity of your manufacturing business, you can rely on our Waterjet cutting titanium plates.


    • Sheet is 0.05mm up to 4.0mm Tebal
    • Plate is 4.0mm up to 100mm Tebal


  • Titanium Grade-1
  • Titanium Grade-2
  • Titanium Grade-7 Ti-Pd
  • Titanium Ti-6AL-4V Grade-5

Our passion with Titanium and Special Alloys allows us to offer various grades, lengths, and custom cuts of sheets of titanium. Ask for Price, order today and experience the durability and lightweight benefits firsthand. Pengiriman ke seluruh Indonesia dalam 3-5 Hari.

Titanium Sheet, Plate Stockist

Titanium plate and sheet stockist, distributor

Titanium- Cut to client's requirement

Titanium Plates

Titanium Specifications:

AMS-4911, 4907,4905, MIL-T-9046, ASTM-F136, DMS-1592, GM-3103,12TM-B265, AMS-4919, DMS-2275, AMS-T-9046, GM-3104, B50TF21, AMS-4918, DMS-1879, AMS-4909, 4910, AMS-4915, 4916, DMS-1784, AMS-4900, 4902, DMS-1536, ASTM-B265, ASME SB265, AMS-4914.

Untuk membeli plat dan sheet Titanium hubungi kami di Singapore or in Indonesia

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Titanium Sheets and Plates

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