TI-10V-2FE-3AL - Titanium & Special Metal Supplier - Indonesia


Common Name
General Information
Ti-10V-2Fe-3Al is a near beta alloy capable of a wide range of strengths depending on heat treatment applied. The alloy has excellent forgeability, high toughness and good hardenability which allows good properties in sections to 5″ thick. Ti-10V-2Fe-3Al is used for high strength aircraft forgings. Its excellent forgeability allows it to be used in near-net shape forging applications. Ti-10V-2Fe-3Al is available in billet, bar and plate.
Common Specification
Specification Product Form
AMS 4983A Forging STA
AMS 4984 Forging STA
AMS 4986 Forging STOA
AMS 4987 Forging STOA
Chemistry Requirements
N C H Fe O Al V Ti
0.05 0.05 0.015 1.6-2.2 0.13 2.6-3.4 9.0-11.0 Balance

% Maximum unless given as a range.

Minimum Tensile Properties
Condition UTS ksi (Mpa) >0.2%YS ksi (MPA) % El. % RA*
STA 160 145 6 10
STOA 140(965)

NOTE: Properties depend on form, heat treatment and size. Check referenced specifications.

Typical Tensile Properties
&α+β Forged Condition UTS ksi (Mpa) >0.2%YS ksi (MPA) % El. % RA* Klc ksi √ in
STA 180-200 168-184 4-12 10-30 42-56
STOA 140-150 130-140 20 45 93
BAOA 145 135 17 46 100

Note: Typical properties are not to be utilized as a requirement, but are only listed for guidance. These properties may or may not be attainable in all circumstances.
* %Ra not required by all specifications
Trademark Notice: Some names are trade names and/or trademarks of specific manufacturers. Titan Singapore is not affiliated with any manufacturer(s). Orders will be filled to meet specifications from any available source(s). Names are listed solely for reference to help identify products consistent with listed specifications.


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