Band Saw Cutting: PT. Special Metals Indonesia offer a variety of cut sizes made from flat mill products such as block, coil, sheet and plate and long products such as round, square or rectangular billet and bar using precision band saws.
Saw cutting is the basic cutting process with us. Our customers may require bar, billet, plate, block, long products, round and rectangular, cut to specific dimensions. PT. Special Metals is happy to accommodate. We have both cut off saws and plate saws to handle the heavy demand for this value added service. Our band saws can handle any round, rectangular or square product that we stock. PT. Special Metals can cut 1 piece or 10,000 pieces as per your length requirements. No job is too small or no job is too large for us to handle. Our facilities enable us to provide quick turnaround on cut parts regardless of the volume.
Memotong titanium bukanlah tugas yang mudah. Karena merupakan logam reaktif, sifat kimianya berubah bila terkena panas. Oleh karena itu, titanium dipotong saat dingin menggunakan mesin band-saw. Saat memotong batangan titanium, cairan pendingin terus menerus dituangkan keatas alat pemotong untuk menjaga prosesnya tetap dingin.